The scope of the Israel seminar in geometric aspects of functional analysis during the academic year 89/90 was particularly wide covering topics as diverse as: Dynamical systems, Quantum chaos, Convex sets in Rn, Harmonic analysis and Banach space theory. The large majority of the papers are original research papers.Stochastic models of some dynamical systems.- Some applications of duality relations.- Mathematical problems in the theory of quantum chaos.- Quasi-classical expansions and the problem of quantum chaos.- A strengthened isoperimetric inequality for simplices.- A new isoperimetric inequality and the concentration of measure phenomenon.- Permutations of the Haar system.- On the distribution of polynomials on high dimensional convex sets.- On convering a set in R N by balls of the same diameter.- Characterization of affinely-rotation-invariant log-concave measures by section-centroid location.- Remarks on Montgomery's conjectures on dirichlet sums.- On the dependence on ? in a theorem of J. Bourgain, J. Lindenstrauss and V.D. Milman.- Another remark on the volume of the intersection of two L p n balls.- On the restriction and multiplier problems in R3.Springer Book ArchivesDE