Spirits are still doing time in these old jails - some since the 1600s! Curl up with 38 stories, complete with photos, of historical hoosegows from all over the U.S. Each jail or prison is now a location for good guys like you to visit, transformed to museums, offices, a theater, even a B&B where the long-deceased sheriff locks up at night! Considering what happened in these facilities, no wonder a few sundry ghosts have lingered: prisoners destined to replay their misery or guards who never get to retire. Investigators of the paranormal seek verification by way of film, thermal readings, heart rates, and electronic voice phenomena. But as several ghost hunter sites quote Derk Acorah: To a believer, no proof is necessary. To a disbeliever, no proof is enough. Get to know the writers through their bios and photos. They'll bring you stories told by people who have experienced the events from either side of the bars. Museum curators, tour guides, correctional officers, prisoners, and even visitors encounter sounds, scents, sights, and tactile sensations that chill them to the marrow. Yet there's humor too, so have a haunting good time with the tales they've dug up for you.
- Used Book in Good Condition