Global Modernities is a sustained commentary on the international character of the most microcosmic practices. It demonstrates how the global increasingly informs the regional, so deconstructing ideas like the `nation-state' and `national sovereignty'. The spatialization of social theory, hybridization and bio-politics are among the critical issues discussed.Global Modernities is a sustained commentary on the international character of the most microcosmic practices. It demonstrates how the global increasingly informs the regional, so deconstructing ideas like the `nation-state' and `national sovereignty'. The spatialization of social theory, hybridization and bio-politics are among the critical issues discussed.`A timely contribution to current debates around globalization theory and an excellent introduction to this complex and contradictory field of study. Globalization theory has not simply supplanted postmodernism, but has rather refocused many of the issues raised by postmodernism towards a more serious reappraisal of the whole question of modernity itself' - Habitat InternationalGlobalization, Modernity and the Spatialization of Social Theory - Mike Featherstone and Scott Lash An Introduction Glocalization - Roland Robertson Time-Space and Homogeneity-Heterogeneity Globalization as Hybridization - Jan Nederveen Pieterse Global System, Globalization and the Parameters of Modernity - Jonathan Friedman New World Order or Neo-World Orders - Timothy W Luke Power, Politics and Ideology in Informationalizing Glocalities The Times and Spaces of Modernity (or Who Needs Postmodernism?) - Anthony D King Routes to/through Modernity - G[um]oran Therborn Searching for a Centre that Holds - Zygmunt Bauman Security, Philosophy and Politics - Michael Dillon Normality - Exception - ClS?