Set in Paris and New York,[An] exceptional writer...elegant and always intelligent in his spiritual accounting.Splendidly subversive....Tuten whittles away at the conflicting emotions separating us from our ideal selves and shows us how little of our destinies we control.[C]ourageous, adventurous, intelligent and highly original...moments of haunting lyrical power.A moving novel that explores the nature of love and the relationship between art and life.An engaging love story, quirky, cosmopolitan, full of upliftings and downturnings...[C]uts brightly into the dark night of our troubled times. Unforgettable.I felt moved and involvedand above all envious. I loved this novel and could not put it down.Frederic Tuten is a valiant gifted writer whose work honors literature.A powerful story that explores the modern dilemma of passion versus tranquillity.