Praise for The Handbook of College Athletics and Recreation Administration
The Handbook of College Athletics and Recreation Administration provides insiders' in-depth and firsthand perspectives on issues in the contemporary professional administration of intercollegiate athletics and recreation, as well as practical solutions to these issues. It is a must-read for anyone who is interested in pursuing a career in college athletics and campus recreation administration. —Ming Li, professor and chair, Department of Sports Administration, College of Business, Ohio University
The Handbook of College Athletics and Recreation Administration is a useful text for undergraduate students preparing for sport management careers within postsecondary institutions. This book effectively blends historical perspectives, theoretical foundations, and practical illustrations in a relevant format that addresses key issues in intercollegiate sports and campus recreation. Of particular value is the focus on people and importance of building relationships based on integrity, trust, and mutual respect. —Tom Collins, associate professor of sport management, chair of Sport Studies and Physical Education, Chowan University
Figures and Tables xi
Preface xiii
Acknowledgments xv
The Authors xix
1 College Athletics: Continuity and Change Over Four Centuries 3
John R. Thelin
2 An Overview of Fitness and Recreation in Collegiate Settings 21
Donald L. Rockey, Jr. and Robert J. Barcelona
3 Theoretical Foundations 44
Mary F. Howard-Hal£º