The Handbook of Financial Time Series gives an up-to-date overview of the field and covers all relevant topics both from a statistical and an econometrical point of view. There are many fine contributions, and a preamble by Nobel Prize winner Robert F. Engle.
Recent Developments in GARCH Modeling.- An Introduction to Univariate GARCH Models.- Stationarity, Mixing, Distributional Properties and Moments of GARCH(p, q)#x2013;Processes.- ARCH(#x221E;) Models and Long Memory Properties.- A Tour in the Asymptotic Theory of GARCH Estimation.- Practical Issues in the Analysis of Univariate GARCH Models.- Semiparametric and Nonparametric ARCH Modeling.- Varying Coefficient GARCH Models.- Extreme Value Theory for GARCH Processes.- Multivariate GARCH Models.- Recent Developments in Stochastic Volatility Modeling.- Stochastic Volatility: Origins and Overview.- Probabilistic Properties of Stochastic Volatility Models.- Moment#x2013;Based Estimation of Stochastic Volatility Models.- Parameter Estimation and Practical Aspects of Modeling Stochastic Volatility.- Stochastic Volatility Models with Long Memory.- Extremes of Stochastic Volatility Models.- Multivariate Stochastic Volatility.- Topics in Continuous Time Processes.- An Overview of AssetPrice Models.- OrnsteinUhlenbeck Processes and Extensions.- JumpType L?vy Processes.- L?vyDriven ContinuousTime ARMA Processes.- Continuous Time Approximations to GARCH and Stochastic Volatility Models.- Maximum Likelihood and Gaussian Estimation of Continuous Time Models in Finance.- Parametric Inference for Discretely Sampled Stochastic Differential Equations.- Realized Volatility.- Estimating Volatility in the Presence of Market Microstructure Noise: A Review of the Theory and Practical Considerations.- Option Pricing.- An Overview of Interest Rate Theory.- Extremes of ContinuousTime Processes..- Topics in Cointegration and Unit Roots.- Cointegration: Overview and Development.- Time Series with Roots on or Near thels$