Havana Red [Paperback]

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  • Category: Books (Fiction)
  • Author:  Padura, Leonardo
  • Author:  Padura, Leonardo
  • ISBN-10:  1904738095
  • ISBN-10:  1904738095
  • ISBN-13:  9781904738091
  • ISBN-13:  9781904738091
  • Publisher:  Bitter Lemon Press
  • Publisher:  Bitter Lemon Press
  • Pages:  310
  • Pages:  310
  • Binding:  Paperback
  • Binding:  Paperback
  • Pub Date:  01-Mar-2005
  • Pub Date:  01-Mar-2005
  • SKU:  1904738095-11-MING
  • SKU:  1904738095-11-MING
  • Item ID: 100371613

“A magnificent novel. Haunted by the tragic story and passion of its characters.”—Magazine Littéraire

The first of the Havana quartet featuring Inspector Mario Conde, a tropical Marlowe. A young transvestite in a beautiful red dress is found strangled in a Havana park. Conde’s investigation into a violent murder exposes a stifling, corrupt society, a Cuban reality where nothing is what it seems. A dark and fascinating world of men and women born in the revolution who live without dreaming of exile and seek their identity in the midst of disaster.

Leonardo Paduralives in Cuba. He is a novelist, essayist, journalist and scriptwriter.Havana Redhas won numerous literary prizes, including the Hammett prize in Spain.

A young transvestite found strangled in a Havana park. The stifling death of a beloved Cuba.
First of quartet with same hero. Sold well in Spain, Italy , France and Germany (40,000 per title in Germany alone). First time the author is available in English.Award winning novel.High critical acclaim in all countries.
Advance copies available for sales force, direct mailing to press, specialized shops.Publicity campaign.
Leonardo Padura was born in 1955 in Havana. He is a prize winning novelist, essayist, journalist and scriptwriter. International fame came with the publication of the Havana Quartet, all featuring Lieutenant Mario Conde, of which Havana Black is the second to be available in English.The Quartet has been translated into seven languages and has won numerous prizes including Spain's Hammett Prize.

Leonardo Padura has just won the 2015 Princess of Asturias Literary prize for his life’s work. This prize is said to be the Spanish Nobel Prize. Previous winners include Philip Roth, John Banville, Margaret Atwood, Amin Maalouf and Ismail Kadare. Padura is most famous for his Inspector Mario Conde novels, all publishlÃô