A valuable guide that helps health care managers redefine theirresponsibilities so they can function more effectively in thisdramatically evolving industry. The authors identify and describethe ten key role shifts that are part of making the transition to a new, more dynamicstyle of leadership. Filled with questionnaires and step-by-stepguidelines, this hands-on tool offers sound insights andnuts-and-bolts advice.A New Era for Health Care Managers.
From a Provider to a Customer Orientation.
From Getting By to Raising Standards.
From Directing to Empowering Your Staff.
From Employee as ExpAndable Resource to Employee as Customer.
From Reactive to Proactive Behavior.
From Tradition and Safety to Experimentation and Risk.
From Busyness to Results.
From Turf Protection to Teamwork Across Lines.
From We-They'' Thinking to Organizational Perspective.
From Cynicism to Optimism.
Gaining Organizational Support for Making Role Changes.
Achieving Personal and Organizational Success.WENDY LEEBOV is currently associate vice president of human resources for the Albert Einstein Healthcare Network in Philadelphia, where she is responsible for organizational learning and performance enhancement strategies.Previously, WAndy was founder and president of the Einstein Consulting Group, a subsidiary of Albert Einstein Healthcare Network that received international recognition for leadership and expertise on service and quality improvement stategies in health care. WAndy is a nationally recognized speaker, author, and consultant, having written five books on service and quality improvement, including Service Quality Improvement: The Customer Satisfaction Strategy for Hl!