The Health Care Training Handbook is a comprehensive tool kit that includes a wealth of information, illustrative clinical and non-clinical examples, tools, and skill building lessons specifically targeted for trainers working in today's health care environment. This essential book covers a broad range of topics such as how to design and implement successful training programs, conduct effective needs assessments, develop management and leadership skills, evaluate results, and track trends in the rapidly changing health care industry.Preface.
The Author.
Major Trends in Health Care and the World of the Worker.
Organization Structure of Health Care Training Departments and theRole of Trainers.
How to Do a Nees Assessment.
How to Design a Training Program.
How to Deliver Training.
How to Evaluate Training.
Obstacles to Training and Ways to Overcome.
You as a Resource: Positioning Yourself for Success.
Resources: A Health Care Trainer's Toolkit.
Index. With practical tools, real-life examples and on-target insights,The Health Care Training Handbook is a terrific resource for healthcare organizations. It is a must for all health care training andorganizational development practitioners. (Kenneth R. Cohen,president, The Synergy Organization)
The Health Care Training Handbook is the best resource I've comeacross for trainers and educators in the health care field. Itsdown-to-earth approach and array of practical tools and techniquesmake it a must-have for every health care educator's bookshelf andfor every health care organization's library. Don't miss this one. (Susan A. Macfarlane, manager, organizational development, LakeForest Hospital)KATHRYN S. WALL is assistant vice president for organizational effectiveness for Virtl!