In the tradition of Homers
Odyssey and Virgils
The Heracliad: The Epic Saga of Hercules is a monumental epic adventure sure to delight all fans of classical history and mythology. Follow Heracles as he embarks on his famous Twelve Labors to the ends of the earth and beyond. In the process he joins the quest for the Golden Fleece, plants the seed for the rise of Rome, wages the first Trojan War and forever alters the political and religious landscape of the ancient world.
Drawing upon all available ancient sources, The Heracliad delivers the only complete and definitive account of the man one scholar described as having the potential to shatter the bonds of Greek religion.
Literary, historical, mythopoeian--this sweeping novel of mythic history may also be the most ambitious mythological synthesis since Boccaccio's Genealogy of the Pagan Gods, combining hundreds of myths intersecting the life of Heracles, from the Creation to the end of the Heroic Age, into that single narrative the ancient Greeks believed it to be.