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In the preparation of this volume, Mrs. McDonnell was able to profit from the Hanoverian government's intention to gather as much information as possible on the rebels, about whom court records, jail records, and transportation orders abound today. Drawing on records in the Public Record Office in London and the Scottish Record Office in Edinburgh, among others, she has here assembled an alphabetical register of 1,000 Highland Jacobites, giving, invariably, each person's name, rank, date(s) of service, and unit (if military), and frequently the subject's date and place of imprisonment, date and place of transportation, name of his vessel, and the place of arrival in the Americas. While these expatriates were carried to a variety of places in the New World, a disproportionate number of the Highland Jacobites are known to have disembarked in Jamaica, Barbados, Antigua, and other places in the West Indies.
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