Can you grow a bonsai kitten? Should you stock up on dehydrated water? Is it easy to order human-flavored tofu? Or is this all just B.S.?
In a world of lip synching, breast implants, payola punditry, and staged reality shows, it's hard to know the real from the fake. Hippo Eats Dwarf is the essential field guide to today's Misinformation Age. Whether you're deciphering political doublespeak or trying to decide whether to forward that virus warning, hoaxpert Alex Boese provides the guidelines you need. For instance, Reality Rule 6.1: Just because you read it on the Internet doesn't make it true.
With case files, reality checks, definitions, and plenty of doctored photos, Hippo Eats Dwarf is an entertaining guide to life, death, eBay, and everything in between.
As entertaining as it is well researched. -ENTERTAINMENT TODAY
This book is smart, well-written, and a helluva lot of fun. -CULTUREDOSE.COM
Two thousand years ago,scholars recorded stories about women who had given birth to elephants and mothers who had borne over thirty children (none of whom were elephants, thankfully). We may think we’re too sophisticated to believe such tales today, but that’s not so. Instead of elephant-bearing women, modern legends have progressed to human clones, pregnant men, and online supermodel egg auctions.
Reality Rule1.1
Just because a woman looks pregnant, it doesn’t mean she is.
Foam-Pad Pregnancy, n.:What you get when a woman stuffs some padding under her shirt and claims to be pregnant. More generically, any fake pregnancy.
The Fake Pregnancy Scam
You meet a pregnant woman—one who not only ll3!