His Favour on your life We all have times where we think to ourselves; Is there a secret to doing life with heavens smile This book is a collection of thoughts, practical steps and promises to unlock the favour of God over your life. People want practical, down to earth advice to help them navigate life. They love hearing the real stories of the how someone else has walked through hard places and yet still remain secure in the knowledge that they too have a purpose. This book has a total of twelve chapters and a study guide with each chapter to enable the reader to ponder what they have read; either individually or in a bible study group. This allows them to be able to dig up the gold within its pages, and then put it all into practice in their own lives. This book has a light hearted approach, but with a valuable message that can be easily unpacked. Its truth brings a revelation of how different life can be when we understand that we have a heavenly invitation to do life each and every day; propelled by the hand of God. Heaven is waiting; God is waiting for an opportunity to roll out His magnificent storehouse of blessing on your life. This book will help to position your heart to receive His favour. Ps Chris Jones