
Histoire de la R}}volution Fran}}aise [Paperback]

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  • Category: Books (Political Science)
  • Author:  Blanc, Louis
  • Author:  Blanc, Louis
  • ISBN-10:  1108035132
  • ISBN-10:  1108035132
  • ISBN-13:  9781108035132
  • ISBN-13:  9781108035132
  • Publisher:  Cambridge University Press
  • Publisher:  Cambridge University Press
  • Pages:  530
  • Pages:  530
  • Binding:  Paperback
  • Binding:  Paperback
  • Pub Date:  01-May-2011
  • Pub Date:  01-May-2011
  • SKU:  1108035132-11-MPOD
  • SKU:  1108035132-11-MPOD
  • Item ID: 100797813
  • Seller: ShopSpell
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  • Delivery by: Apr 03 to Apr 05
  • Notes: Brand New Book. Order Now.
Volume 8 of this 184762 work focuses on the political situation after the execution of Louis XVI in 1793.The writings of the French historian and politician Louis Blanc (181182) had a considerable influence on the development of French socialism. Volume 8 of this twelve-volume history, first published in 1856, opens with the execution of Louis XVI in 1793 and focuses on the political situation that year.The writings of the French historian and politician Louis Blanc (181182) had a considerable influence on the development of French socialism. Volume 8 of this twelve-volume history, first published in 1856, opens with the execution of Louis XVI in 1793 and focuses on the political situation that year.Louis Blanc (181182) was a French historian and politician whose writings had a considerable influence on the development of French socialism. In his famous Organisation du travail (1839) he called for social reform by action of the State, an unusual position at the time. As a member of the provisional government established after the 1848 Revolution, he campaigned for workers' rights, advocating the creation of cooperative workshops. His twelve-volume Histoire de la R?volution Fran?aise (184762), most of which he wrote while in exile in England, combines years of thorough research with Blanc's characteristic socialist and republican enthusiasm. Volume 8, first published in 1856, opens with the execution of Louis XVI in 1793. It focuses on the political situation that year, including the beginning of the war in the Vend?e in March 1793, and the rise and fall of the Girondins.9. D?bat sur l'appel au peuple; 10. Ex?cution de Louis XVI; Livre Neuvi?me: 1. Pitt et la Convention; 2. Les faux tribuns; 3. Soul?vement de La Vend?e; 4. Trahison de Dumouriez; 5. Passions et id?es; 6. Triomphe de Marat; 7. Les Girondins et La Vend?e; 8. Comit? des Douze; 9. Les Girondins ? Lyon; 10. Les Douze renvers?s; 11. Chute des Girondins; 12. Essais de guerre civile.
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