Until recently, race relations research has been an understudied and stigmatized area of the social sciences. This volume traces its emergence as a central topic, highlighting the major milestones that established it as a legitimate research domain.
The contributors, key figures in the post-war development of United States race research, relate their own experiences with race and racism and the developing interest in the understanding of race as a social force, giving the reader an insider's view of the field.Until recently, race relations research has been an understudied and stigmatized area of the social sciences. This volume traces its emergence as a central topic, highlighting the major milestones that established it as a legitimate research domain.
The contributors, key figures in the post-war development of United States race research, relate their own experiences with race and racism and the developing interest in the understanding of race as a social force, giving the reader an insider's view of the field.Introduction - John H Stanfield II
`But Things Are Much Worse for the Negro People' - Bob Blauner
Race and Radicalism in my Life and Work
Studying the Ghetto Economy - Daniel R Fusfeld
From Assimilation to Human Nature (and Back) - Milton M Gordon
`Friendly Margins' - John H Stanfield II
A Wonderful Afternoon With Hylan Lewis
A Sociologist Prospers in the Race Relations Industry - Lewis M Killian
In Search of an Identity - Harry H L Kitano
Jews, Blacks and A Piece of the Pie - Stanley Lieberson
A Memoir
How Events Shape Theoretical Frames - Thomas F Pettigrew
A Personal Statement
From Home to HBCUs - Richard Robbins
A Sociologist's Reflections on Change and Transition in the Historically Black Colleges and UniversitielÓ9