This book will turn you into a learning machine. Yes! Here at last is your chance to liberate the UNDISCOVERED BRILLIANCE inside you, dazzle your friends and fellow workers with your ability to absorb facts (ike a sponge, and remember them, almost word by word, years later... and do it all so quickly and easily that you'll be astounded! Let me explain! I don't care whether you're nine years old or ninety, man or woman, no matter how poor your education may be today! It makes no difference how badly you did in school as a child, how difficult it is for you to concentrate today, how poor your memory may be, how much a prisoner you are of crippling mental habits, how impossible it may seem to you today that YOU could read an entire book in as little as hall an hour - that YOU could flash through business problems that leave your friends stopped cold-that YOU could hold an entire roomful of people ABSOLUTELY SPELLBOUND BY THE POWER OF YOUR IMAGINATION, YOUR UNDERSTANDING, YOUR ABILITY TO TRANSMIT THE SPOKEN WORD! This is what How To Learn Anything In Half The Time will do fo you.