Katherine Hawley explores and compares three theories of persistence -- endurance, perdurance, and stage theories - investigating the ways in which they attempt to account for the world around us. Having provided valuable clarification of its two main rivals, she concludes by advocating stage theory.
1. Sameness and Difference
2. Parts and Stages
3. Sticking Stages Together
4. Vagueness
5. Sheer Coincidence?
6. Modality
Bibliography, Index
How Things Persistis a careful and clever defence of stage theory ... the book is not only a worthy defence of a novel ontology, it is also an instructive survey of the metaphysics of material objects in general and the philosophy of persistence in particular. --
Mind The case Hawley makes for stage theory is a persuasive one .
How Things Persistis a well structured, well written, solid, crisp and lucid investigation into the cluster of metaphysical problems that surround the issue of persistence. --
Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews