Nonequilibrium hot charge carriers play a crucial role in the physics and technology of semiconductor nanostructure devices. This book, one of the first on the topic, discusses fundamental aspects of hot carriers in quasi-two-dimensional systems and the impact of these carriers on semiconductor devices. The work will provide scientists and device engineers with an authoritative review of the most exciting recent developments in this rapidly moving field. It should be read by all those who wish to learn the fundamentals of contemporary ultra-small, ultra-fast semiconductor devices.
- Topics covered include
- Reduced dimensionality and quantum wells
- Carrier-phonon interactions and hot phonons
- Femtosecond optical studies of hot carrier
- Ballistic transport
- Submicron and resonant tunneling devices
J. Shah, Overview. B.K. Ridley, Electron-Phonon Interactions in 2D Systems. S. Das Sarma, Quantum Many-Body Aspects of Hot-Carrier Relaxation in Semiconductor Microstructures. W. P*adotz and P. Kocevar, Cooling of Highly Photoexcited Electron-Hole Plasma in Polar Semiconductors and Semiconductor Wells: A Balance-Equation Approach. A.P. Jauho, Tunneling Times in Semiconductor Heterostructures: A Critical Review. F. Rossi, R. Brunetti, and C. Jacoboni, Quantum Transport. S.M. Goodnick and P. Lugli, Hot-Carrier Relaxation in Quasi-2D Systems. I.C. Kizilyalli and K. Hess, Monte Carlo Simulation of GaAs-AlxGA1-xAS
Field-Effect Transistors. J. Shah, Ultrafast Luminescence Studies of Carrier Relaxation and Tunneling in Semicondutor Nanostructures. W.H. Knox, Optical Studies of Femtosecond Carrier Thermalization in GaAs. J.F. Ryan and M.C. Tatham, Time-Resolved Raman Measurements of Electron-Phonon Interactions in Quantum Wells and Superlattices. R.A. H*adopfel, J. Shah, and S. Juen, Electron-Hole Scattering in Quantum Wellló(