This workbook is a companion piece to the author's forthcoming book HOW TO SPOT A DANGEROUS MAN BEFORE YOU GET INVOLVED, pub date 12/04. It is created to be used along with the book and also in the author's workshops on how women can make good relationship choices, although it can also be used by itself.
Women who date dangerous men fall into many categories, from the teenager to the divorcee, from the waitress to the professional woman. They often move from one category of dangerous man to another, from the violent to the unavailable, from there to the clinger. They need to figure out how to break this pattern, and this workbook serves that purpose.
This workbook is a realistic and effective tool for women to break the dangerous man pattern, and contains 22 worksheets/quizzes to lead women to the place where they can effectively create their personal DO NOT DATE list of red flags.
See table of contents for specifics.
There simply are not enough wonderful things I can tell you about Sandra L. Brown’s book How to Spot a Dangerous Man Before You Get Involved. Statistically almost 100% of the ladies coming through our shelter were returning to their abuser or getting involved in another dangerous relationship a year ago. Our program was based on the Power and Control Wheel” at that time.
Concern for our clients and their children lead our organization to look closely at what was lacking within our program. We quickly discovered that the majority of the clients we service knew and understood the Power and Control Wheel” but lacked the knowledge of how to apply it to their lives. Jointly we began to restructure our program around the pattern changing ideals in Sandra L. Brown’s bookHow to Spot a Dangerous Man Before You Get Involved.
Participation in my group therapy has soared from one or two people I had to drag to group to nearly every resident in house at our eight room l³: