Inspired by the best-selling Hugs series, this book contains 365 devotionals to inspire women every day of the year. With beautiful full-color pictures of soothing scenes to complement the encouraging words, these devotionals are the perfect way to start the day. Written to be inspiring and encouraging, rather than correctional or preachy, women will appreciate the gentle messages, the uplifting quotes, and the inspirational scriptures. Divided into months, this book is the perfect way to start the year.Hugs Daily Inspirations for Women January 1
Hugs of Encouragement
Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out.
Hebrews 10:24 MSG
How many people will you hug today? How many times will you share a smile, a kind word, or a pat on the back? How many times today will you demonstrate—by your words and your actions—that you are a caring woman?
When you feel happy and secure, you may find it easy to share kind words and heartfelt hugs. But when you’re discouraged or tired, it may seem difficult to encourage anyone (including yourself).
Anna Quindlen correctly observed, “Love is not leisure, it is work.” So even on those days when the dog bites or the bee stings, you should be quick to do the “work” required to give—and receive—love. After all, the world still needs all the hugs it can get . . . especially yours.
Love is a fruit in season and within reach of every hand.