This book addresses a variety of regional humor traditions such as exploitation cinema, Brazilian chanchada, the Cantinflas heritage, the comedy of manners and light sexuality, iconic figures and characters, as well as a variety of humor registers evident in different Latin American films.
This book addresses a variety of regional humor traditions such as exploitation cinema, Brazilian chanchada, the Cantinflas heritage, the comedy of manners and light sexuality, iconic figures and characters, as well as a variety of humor registers evident in different Latin American films.
Cinema and Humor in Latin America: An Introduction; Juan Poblete
1. Luis Sandrini's Stutter, Early Argentine Film Comedy and the Representability of Time; Nilo Fernando Couret
2. 'Comrades, There Are Moments in Life That Are Truly Momentary': Cantinflas and the Administration of Public Matters; Gareth Williams
3. The Laugh of Nin? Marshall. Comic Performance and Gender Performativity in Argentinean Classical Cinema; Paula In?s Laguarda
4. The Early comedies of Tom?s Guti?rrez Alea; Dianne Marting
5. Backwardness and Modernity in the Rural Tradition of Mazzaropi Comedies; Maur?cio de Bragan?a
6. Enrique Cahen Salaberry and Hugo Sofovich: Contrasting Directors and Strategies of Humor in Films Featuring Alberto Olmedo and Jorge Porcel; Fernando Pagnoni
7. Colombian Popular Comedy for Dummies: The Nieto Roa and Dago Garc?a Producciones Formula; Juana Su?rez
8. Invasion of the Nacos! Mocking Social Prejudice in Contemporary Mexican Cinema; H?ctor Fern?ndez L'Hoeste
9. Humorous Affects. Romantic Comedies in Contemporary Mexico; Ignacio M. S?nchez Prado
10. Who's laughing now? Indigenous Media and the Politics of Humor; Freya Schiwy
11. A Sense of Humor and Society in Three Chilean Comedies: Taxi para tres, Sexo con Amor, and Super, Todo Chile adentro; Juan Pobl£@