I Hate Yoga poses an intriguing question: How is it possible to become so disenchanted with an age-old activity that historically offers so much healing and serenity? Sadly, even yoga can fall prey to the dark influences of Western society.Social media, a bad boy guru, religion, competitive yoga and a multiplying spawn of self-righteous yoga knowers are just a few of the culprits that are scrutinized in showing that yoga has lost its path. But its not too late to put it back on the Buddha-bus to paradise. How? With an exorcism that humorously and earnestly rids yoga of its imposed impurities.Then, as author Paul McQuillan explains, Once we have cathartically performed our ugly yoga striptease and thrown down each garment of bogus credibility and confusion, we will then focus on watching the Yoga-Phoenix rise from the ashes & this will take place only after the affectations surrounding yoga have been laid bare and exposed as nothing more than a societal red herring, distracting us from the beauty of a profoundly beneficial art form.Such a transformational journey doesnt happen easily, but once it begins, you may just find that there is an unlikely and surprising beneficiary: You.In a cathartic journey from yoga-hate to yoga-love, I Hate Yoga explores why yoga has become so controversial in Western society, all the while growing in popularity. Social media, religion, a bad boy guru, yoga competitions and other unlikely bedmates are humorously and conscientiously exposed in this thoughtful look at the world of yoga today. Youll find yourself shocked, tickled, and perhaps even transformed as author Paul McQuillan takes you through a maze of dissent and praiseultimately enabling you to arrive at your own surprising and unlikely conclusion. Youll want to put this book down, but only to go to yoga and begin your own love/hate relationship.Paul McQuillan is the owner and director of BeHot Yoga Toronto, a thriving yoga studio in downtown Toronto. A yoga teacher for l³: