SelfLog: Language and Implementation; M. Bugliesi, G. Nardiello. I.C. Prolog II: a Multi-Threaded Prolog System; D. Chu. Memory Management in Quintus Prolog; J. Crammond, T. Lindholm. How Concurrent Logic Programming could Benefit from Using Linda-like Operations; G. Czajkowski, K. Zielinski. Implementing Logic Programming Systems: the Quiche-Eating Approach; S.K. Debray. Call Forwarding: a Simple Low-Level Code Optimization Technique; S.K. Debray, K. De Bosschere, D. Gudeman. Moving Prolog Toward Objects; E. Denti, A. Natali, A. Omicini. MProlog: an Implementation Overview; Z. Farkas, P. K?ves, P. Szeredi. Turbo Erlang: Approaching the Speed of C; B. Hausman. A Framework for Sharing Analysis; A. King. Better Late than Never; M. Meier. To Trim or not to Trim? J. Noy?. Divided we Stand: Parallel Distributed Stack Memory Management; K. Shen, M. Hermenegildo. Or-Parallel Prolog on Distributed Shared Memory Architectures; F.M.A. Silva. Implementing Sets with Hash Tables in Declarative Languages; G. Succi, G. Marino, C. Dondina, A. Bergamini. Concurrent Logic Programs ? la mode; E. Tick, B. Massey, F. Radkoczi, P. Tulayathun. Index.