Well-grounded in theory, research, and practice,
Improving Leadership in Nonprofit Organizations is a comprehensive resource that goes beyond traditional nonprofit management theory to offer the latest in cutting-edge thought on leadership for nonprofit organizations. The book offers a wealth of new directions and ideas for leadership and features chapters written by such well-known experts as Frances Hesselbein, Stephen Dobbs, Florence Green, and Jay Conger.
Improving Leadership in Nonprofit Organizations discusses the most compelling leadership challenges and issues for nonprofit organizations and
- Shows that transformational leaders of nonprofits lead more effective organizations
- Includes a comparison of highly functioning for-profit boards with boards of nonprofit organizations
- Provides an analysis of dysfunctional boards
- Discusses for-profit organizations of hope that provide important leadership for social change and responsibility
- Suggests strategies for managing and motivating a volunteer workforce
- Presents a model for leading nonprofit projects
- Offers a valuable model for program evaluation in nonprofit organizations
- Considers the ongoing development of nonprofit leaders
- Includes strategies to develop leadership capacity
Tables, Figures, and Exhibits xi
Foreword xiii
Jack Shakely
Preface xvii
The Kravis Leadership Institute xxi
The Authors xxiii
1 Future Challenges for Nonprofit Organizations 3
Frances Hesselbein
2 Some Thoughts About Nonprofit Leadership 10