A vivid reconstruction of the final weeks of Hitler???s regime. -Kirkus Reviews
Fest describes in riveting detail the final weeks of the war, from the desperate battles that raged night and day in the ruins of Berlin, fought by boys and old men, to the growing paranoia that marked Hitler's mental state, to his suicide and the efforts of his loyal aides to destroy his body before the advancing Russian armies reached Berlin.
Inside Hitler's Bunkercombines meticulous research with spellbinding storytelling and sheds light on events that, for those who survived them, were nothing less than the end of the world.
Joachim Festwas born in Berlin in 1926. His previous books includeThe Face of the Third Reich; Hitler, his celebrated biography of Adolf Hitler;Plotting Hitler's Death; andSpeer: The Final Verdict, for which he has won numerous awards. A film adaptation ofInside Hitler's Bunker, entitledThe Downfall, has become a European blockbuster.