In seven essays, this book offers a tour de force through those seven disciplines in the humanities that lately underwent a fundamental transformation. In order to apply exact scientific methods, these disciplines turned away from their very subjects the understanding of the relationship or a dialogue that underlies the phenomena they are supposed to investigate. The revisionist approach in this book, based on Mikhail Bakhtins work, traces the search for common and specific grounds of the humanities, beginning with psychologism through hermeneutics and semiotics up to the present state of self-annihilation. As an alternative, the book seeks to define humanities as the examination of relationships, which offers an array of refreshing perspectives on each field discussed.
This engaging volume offers seven chapters with differentperspectives on the dialogic in the humanities, taking Mikhail Bakhtinsformulation and testing it from the perspective of seven different disciplineswithin the humanities. & This is a thought-provoking read for anyone working inthe humanities now, although it does expect a reasonable degree of familiaritywith Bakhtin, and it creates a strong argument for defining the humanities interms of the relational and the dialogic. Forum for Modern LanguageStudies, Vol. 55, No. 2
Matthias Freise is professor of Slavic Literatures and Cultures at Georg-August-Universit?t, G?ttingen, Germany.
The revisionist approach in this book, based on Mikhail Bakhtins work, traces the search for common and specific grounds of the humanities, beginning with psychologism through hermeneutics and semiotics up to the present state of self-annihilation. As an alternative, the book seeks to define humanities as the examination of relationships, which offers an array of refreshing perspectives on each field discussed.
Matthias Freise
Internal Dialogism of Russian Postmodern Literalã×