
The International Reception of T. S. Eliot [Hardcover]

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  • Category: Books (Literary Criticism)
  • ISBN-10:  082649014X
  • ISBN-10:  082649014X
  • ISBN-13:  9780826490148
  • ISBN-13:  9780826490148
  • Publisher:  Bloomsbury Academic
  • Publisher:  Bloomsbury Academic
  • Pages:  320
  • Pages:  320
  • Binding:  Hardcover
  • Binding:  Hardcover
  • Pub Date:  01-Feb-2007
  • Pub Date:  01-Feb-2007
  • SKU:  082649014X-11-MPOD
  • SKU:  082649014X-11-MPOD
  • Item ID: 100910719
  • Seller: ShopSpell
  • Ships in: 2 business days
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  • Delivery by: Mar 17 to Mar 19
  • Notes: Brand New Book. Order Now.

The International Reception of T. S. Eliot brings together a wide range of international perspectives on this influential twentieth-century author, who as poet, critic, and editor did much to shape modernist poetics, not only in Europe and North America, but also world-wide.? Foregrounding distinct aspects of Eliot's international reception, individual chapters of the book illuminate such topics as Eliot's complex impact on the development of modernist poetics in the post-colonial Caribbean, the emergent state of Israel, and colonial India; the insurgent potential of translated Eliot in Soviet-occupied Romania and post-war Germany; the different ways in which Eliot's work has entered the cultural life of national and emergent national contexts like Iceland, Italy, Spain, China, and Japan; the relationships forged with Eliot's poetry and criticism by such authors as Jorge Borges, Czeslaw Milosz, A.J.M. Smith, and E.R. Curtius; the unique reverberations of Eliot's work in the bi-cultural lives of contemporary scholars; and the challenges of teaching Eliot across boundaries of culture and religion.? Importantly broadening the purview of Anglo-American Eliot Studies, the book should prove essential reading for scholars around the world interested in Eliot and modernism, as well as post-colonial theory and modernist translation theory.

AcknowledgementsList of abbreviationsNotes on ContributorsIntroduction: Shyamal Bagchee Tradition and the Postcolonial Talent: T. S. Eliot versus E.K. Brathwaite - Matthew Hart Two Modernisms: T.S. Eliot and La Nouvelle Revue Fran?aise - William Marx (Re)modernizing Eliot: Eva Hesse and Das W?ste Land - Elisabeth D?umerTranslated Eliot: Lucian Blaga's Strategies for Survival and the Soviet Colonization of Romania - Sean CotterT.S. Eliot and Modernism in Mid-Twentieth-Century Israel - Leonore Gerstein The Shadow of Eliot Across Bengali Poetry of the 1930s- Shirshendu ChakrabartiT. S. Eliot in Iceland: A Historical Portrait - AstlCè