Matthias Eichst?dt introduces novel techniques for matching user interest profiles against diverse information content in large scale webcasting systems.Dissertation FernUniversit?t GH Hagen 1998The IBM Grand Central Station Project - Profile Language - Internet Profile Representation - Sequential Profile Matching - Parallel Profile Matching - Automatic Profile Generation - Quantitative Evaluation - Related WorkDr. Matthias Eichst?dt ist Produktentwickler bei Yahoo!, Kalifornien. Er promovierte 1999 bei Professor Dr. Gunter Schlageter, Fernuniversit?t Hagen.A new breed of information dissemination systems called webcasting or push systems has attracted enormous attention in the Internet industry. Push technology stems from a very simple idea. Rather than requiring users to explicitly request the information that they need, data can be sent to users without having them specifically ask for it. A push system automatically delivers information content such as classified ads or shopping items based on the user`s interest. Matthias Eichst?dt introduces novel techniques for matching user interest profiles against diverse information content in large scale webcasting systems.A new breed of information dissemination systems called webcasting or push systems has attracted enormous attention in the Internet industry. Push technology stems from a very simple idea. Rather than requiring users to explicitly request the information that they need, data can be sent to users without having them specifically ask for it. A push system automatically delivers information content such as classified ads or shopping items based on the user`s interest. Matthias Eichst?dt introduces novel techniques for matching user interest profiles against diverse information content in large scale webcasting systems.Springer Book Archives