It's Lizzy's first day in a brand new school! At first things feel “just so” scary and “just so” hard, but in the end, they’re “just so”.... not what she thought they would be! From waking up early and boarding the bus for the very first time to meeting new friends and painting outside the lines, it’s a day of discovery and perspective for a little girl named Lizzy.
It's Lizzy's first day in a brand new school! At first things feel just so scary and just so hard, but in the end, theyre just so.... not what she thought they would be! From waking up early and boarding the bus for the very first time to meeting new friends and painting outside the lines, its a day of discovery and perspective for a little girl named Lizzy.
“Perfect for children in transitional stages, Lizzy’s story of adapting to a new school is charming and hopeful.
Vibrant illustrations and an engaging main character help young readers explore themes of resilience, courage, and perseverance in Brenda Faatz’s It’s Just So…
Lizzy is a bit nervous about her first day at a new school. After all, it’s just so … overwhelming. Lizzy wonders if she’ll make friends, and the big new school building is a little scary. It’s Just So … follows Lizzy throughout the whole day, from the moment she wakes up, through the bus ride and a lonely lunch, to her building excitement as she comes to realize that the new school may, in fact, be a lot of fun after all.
Lizzy’s transition from nervousness to happiness is helped along with the ‘it’s just so’ catchphrase. In the beginning, everything is ‘just so’ scary or tall or big. As Lizzy becomes more comfortable through her first day, her growing enthusiasm leads to playful, creative new wording, such as ‘it’s just so … mathel3