Bilingual New Testament English - French is derived from the English American Standard and Louis Segond de 1910 translations.
Example verses: John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life.
Jean 3:16 Car Dieu a tant aim? le monde qu`il a donn? son Fils unique, afin que quiconque croit en lui ne p?risse point, mais qu`il ait la vie ?ternelle.
The text has been edited so that verses are paired in each language. This can result in verse numbering that differs from standard Bibles and care should be taken in comparing with other Bibles.
Contents: - Matthew - Matthieu
- Mark - Marc
- Luke - Luc
- John - Jean
- Acts - Actes
- Romans - Romains
- I Corinthians - I Corinthiens
- II Corinthians - II Corinthiens
- Galatians - Galates
- Ephesians - Ephesiens
- Philippians - Philippiens
- Colossians - Colossiens
- I Thessalonians - I Thessaloniciens
- II Thessalonians - II Thessaloniciens
- I Timothy - I Timothee
- II Timothy - II Timothee
- Titus - Tite
- Philemon - Philemon
- Hebrews - Hebreux
- James - Jacques
- I Peter - I Pierre
- II Peter - II Pierre
- I John - I Jean
- II John - II Jean
- III John - III Jean
- Jude - Jude
- Revelation - Apocalypse