In English and Spanish. Cake for Breakfast Every Day - English/Spanish edition is an easy read-to-me book for youngsters. It's good for dual-language families or for those learning Spanish. Follow the adventures of one child whose imagination will get you giggling as she imagines all the fun things she would do if she lived in a house with no rules. Then ask yourself what would you do in a house with no rules. Would you put a trampoline in every bedroom? You might even eat cake for breakfast every day. Share it with someone you love.
Parents can take the story off the pages and make it interactive by encouraging their children to use their own imaginations as they follow along. What would your child do if there were no rules in their house? Would a thunderstorm be scary? Can they find the mouse hidden in three of the illustrations? What pets would they have? Parents can play along too, sharing all the things they would do without rules. Educators can also use the story in a classroom setting. After reading the story, students can come up with their own no-rules scenario and put it down on paper, either as art or in a paragraph.
Sique las aventuras de un ni?o cuya imaginaci?n te llevara nendo. Imaginese todas las cosas divertidas que puedes hacer si usted vive en una casa sin regias. ?Qu? haria usted en una casa sin gelas? ?Le pusiera un trampol?n en cada habitaci?n? Usted puede incluso comer pastel pana el desayuno todos los d?as. Comp?rtelo con alguien que usted ama. En Ingl?s y Espa?ol.
Los padres pueden tomar la historia de las p?ginas y que sea interactivo, fomentando sus ni?os a usar su propia imaginaci?n a medida que siguen adelante. ?Cu?l ser?a su hijo a hacer si no hay reglas en su casa? ?Ser?a una tormenta dar miedo? ?Pueden encontrar el rat?n escondido en tres de las ilustraciones? ?Qu? animales iban a tener??Los padres pueden jugar a lo largo de ellos y compartir todas las cosas que har?an sin reglas.?Los educadores tambi?n lƒ«