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Compressed air systems are the third most important utility to industry and are commonly the most misunderstood. Written to appeal to operators, mechanics and junior engineers, this manual is designed to provide a solid understanding of common compression systems and operations techniques. Using this book, the users learn tips and techniques for: creating a baseline of system performance, determining the impact of different compressors and compressor control types for the job at hand, and learning basic approaches to general maintenance.
IntroductionChapter 1. The History of Compressed AirChapter 2. Compressed Air ApplicationsChapter 3. Compressor TypesChapter 4. The Conservation of Mass and Energy as Applied to Compressed AirChapter 5. The Compressed Air SupplyChapter 6. Compressed Air DryersChapter 7. Support ComponentsChapter 8. Pneumatic ControlsChapter 9. Electrical ControlsChapter 10. MaintenanceChapter 11. Energy and Costs Associated with Compressed AirChapter 12. System ModelsChapter 13: Specifying a Compression SystemChapter 14: Conducting an Air AuditChapter 15: Single-Stage Home-Built Air CompressorChapter 16: Home-Built Compressed Air Drying SystemAppendix A: Glossary of Terms and AbbreviationsAppendix B: Miscellaneous Technical InformationAppendix C: Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) Laws and Regulations Concerning Compressed AirAppendix D: Answers to Chapter QuestionsIndexPublisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or acclS(