This comprehensive, interdisciplinary collection, examines disability from a theoretical perspective, challenging views of disability that dominate mainstream thinking. Throughout, social theories of disability intersect with ideas associated with sex/gender, race/ethnicity, class and nation.Notes on Contributors Introducing Disability and Social Theory; D.Goodley , B.Hughes & L.Davis PART I: CULTURES Civilizing Modernity and the Ontological Invalidation of Disabled People; B.Hughes Commodifying Autism: The Cultural Contexts of 'Disability' in the Academy; R.Mallett & K.Runswick-Cole Disability and the Majority World: A Neo-Colonial Approach; S.Grech Discourses of Disabled Peoples Organisations: Foucault, Bourdieu and Future Perspectives; T.Blackmore & S.Hodgkins PART II: BODIES Cyborgs, Cripples and iCrip: Reflections on the Contribution of Haraway to Disability Studies; D.Reeve Theory, Impairment, and Impersonal Singularities: Deleuze, Guattari and Agamben; J.Overboe The Body as the Problem of Individuality: A Phenomenological Disability Studies Approach; T.Titchkosky & R.Michalko Dancing with Disability: An Intersubjective Approach; E.McGrath PART III: SUBJECTIVITIES Nomadology and Subjectivity: Deleuze, Guattari and Critical Disability Studies; G.Roets & R.Braidotti Jacques Lacan + Paul Hunt = Psychoanalytic Disability Studies; D.Goodley Intellectual Disability Trouble: Foucault and Goffman on 'Challenging Behaviour'; K.Nunkoosing & M.Laurelut Stalking Ableism: Using Disability to Expose 'Abled' Narcissism; F.Campbell PART IV: COMMUNITIES Lave and Wenger, Communities of Practice and Disability; R.Lawthom Disability, Development and Postcolonialism; T.Chataika Engaging Disability with Postcolonial Theory; A.Ghai Recognition, Respect and Rights: Women with Disabilities in a Globalised World; C.Frohmader & H.Meekosha Conclusions; B.Hughes , D.Goodley & L.Davis Glossary
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