REMBERT W. PATRICK (1909–1967) was a chairman of the University of Florida department of history. He is the author of many other books including
Florida under Five Flags,
The Reconstruction of the Nation, and
Jefferson Davis and His Cabinet. The Florida Historical Society created an annual book award in Patrick’s name in honor of his distinguished career.Published in 1954, Rembert Patrick’s
Florida Fiasco details the aggressive schemes developed by President Madison and Secretary of State Monroe in the attempted acquisition of Florida. Patrick shows that George Mathews’s influence over General John McIntosh inspired him to plan a revolt in east Florida in the hopes of turning the conquered territory over to Mathews. The plot was thwarted when Spanish minister Luis de Onis heard of the coming attack and appealed to the British. Thus begins the five-year attempt which was led in succession by George Mathews, David Mitchell, and Thomas A. Mitchell. Patrick’s account includes the plotting of undercover agents, manipulation of discontented nationals, denials by high officials, and adventurers seeking rich rewards.
No longer will it be necessary for historians to nibble at the fringes: the story has been written.
His well-ordered reconstruction of events and his recording of personality clashes constitute a valuable addition to the history of the southeastern frontier.
The book provides a useful synthesis of events on the Florida frontier.
Published in 1954, Rembert Patrick’s
Florida Fiasco details the aggressive schemes developed by President Madison and Secretary of State Monroe in the attempted acquisition of Florida. Patrick reveals the plotting of undercover agents, manipulation of discontented nationals, denials by high officials, and adventurers seeking rich rewards.