As one reads Dada's book it is almost like one is floating down a European river on a lovely large boat with celestial music in the background. One gets off at various stops and engages the local population in service, in consciousness raising, in teaching meditation, and even in starting small businesses. But then one is back on the boat, on a journey towards ... bliss. But the river itself is bliss, the journey itself is. And this is what is unique about Dada's book. Many spiritual books try to enthrall with colorful language about the many states of nirvana. Dada's text is not like that. His words are even keel, just like the author. They live and teach equanimity of mind. One joins him for a journey in authenticity, in humanity. From his early days watching TV in Brooklyn, to his meeting with the famous hippies of the 60s, to his transition to an editor and then to a monk. One flows. We go with Dada to Europe to Japan to Syria and then back to New York. In this journey, this peaceful journey, we share in Dada's calm approach to giving, to living the right life. And to challenging our comfort zones. If we wish for the Divine to carry us, we need to first let go. Dada's life has been an example of that. Read his book. And let go. Wade shallow or dive deep, but go in the water and the let the flow carry you to you.