Comprehension of Literary and Informational Texts
Various Genres (including prose, poetry, and drama)
Use and Purpose of Literary Elements, Themes, Styles, and Structures in Works of Literature
Purposes, Structures, Elements, and Meanings of U.S. Prose, Poetry, and Drama of Different Movements and Periods
Purposes, Structures, Elements, and Meanings of British and Commonwealth Prose, Poetry, and Drama of Different Movements and Periods
Purposes, Structures, Elements, and Meanings of World Prose, Poetry, and Drama of Different Movements and Periods
Understand the Purposes, Structures, Elements, and Meanings of Informational and Technical Texts
Reading Skills and Strategies
Comprehension and Interpretation of Text Strategies
Critical Analysis and Evaluation of Texts Strategies
Effective Reading Skills
Writing Conventions and the Writing Process
Conventions of Standard American English
Writing as a Process
Use of Research and Technology in Writing
Writing for Various Purposes
Techniques for Developing Organized, Focused Narrative Writing
Techniques for Developing Organized, Focusl3|