This is the fourth volume of the DataPower Handbook 2nd Edition. We have brought together four of the most respected IBM B2B experts, who provide a wealth of information on how the DataPower B2B module can be used for B2B data exchange and as an effective file transfer solution. This volume also can be used to learn how to use the DataPower Integration Module to exchange raw files, without the B2B module. DataPower appliances can simplify deployment, strengthen security, enhance performance, and dramatically improve return on investment for many use cases, such as mobile, Web, API, legacy, cloud, B2B, and SOA/Web Services. The authors present DataPower B2B information and insights that are available nowhere else. Writing for working architects, administrators, developers, and security specialists, they draw extensively on their deep experience, helping IBM customers use DataPower technologies to solve challenging B2B and file transfer problems. The Handbook begins by discussing the relevance of B2B technologies in todays API-driven world. It reviews a history of B2B technologies and security, and then dives into a comprehensive overview of IBM DataPower B2B objects and configuration. Trading partner transaction visibility is covered, as well as a comprehensive overview of AS1, AS2, AS3, and ebMS V2.0 messaging patterns. An in-depth chapter covers file transfer, using either the DataPower B2B or Integration modules. DataPower and OpenPGP integration is covered in its own chapter, and the book concludes with a chapter covering DataPower B2B integration with IBM Sterling B2B and other IBM integration products. Additional DataPower Handbook volumes dive-deep into DataPower introduction and setup (Volume I), network configuration (Volume II), and development (Volume III).