Kuan Yin's Miracle Mantras: Awakening the Healing Powers of the Heart is based on decades of scientific research and both ancient and modern spiritual texts. It includes the direct experiences of the author and several contributors. This book is a key resource for anyone desiring to masterfully ride the waves of evolutionary change that humanity is currently undergoing. To ease this shift into post-2012 consciousness, the many tools and practices given here are based on the wisdom of the ancients (who foresaw these changes), coupled with its correlation to quantum science. The mantras in this book, especially The Great Compassion Mantra, are particularly intended for use in our time for the clearing away of any past records holding back our spiritual evolution and forward progress. Who is Kuan Yin? Her story, legends and miracles are well known throughout most of Asia. Her name means Hearer of Sounds. According to Eastern tradition, when Kuan Yin was about to enter heaven, she stood on the threshold and heard the cries of distress from the earth. She turned back to come to the aid of all who suffer in this plane. She is a cross-cultural figure revered by many traditions worldwide and is considered to be the essence or symbol of Divine Compassion. Many view her as both the impersonal and personal manifestations of Divine Mercy. Practices for nurturing the growth of this divine quality within ourselves and delivering it to the world are given in this book. Kuan Yin delivered The Great Compassion Mantra millennia ago so that living beings may obtain peace and joy, be healed of illness, enjoy prosperity, erase past sins and offenses, remove hardship and suffering, and increase spiritual attainment and virtue. The mantras are for people of all faiths, and the information in these pages is also a valuable aid for anyone desiring to develop greater love, compassion and unity consciousness. And, of course, this book is for anyone who could use a few miracles! Part Ol3|