Shock, Pain, Suffering, Doubt, Uncertainty, THEN Growing Faith, Hope, Recovery Those words describe the journey of Carla Christy, mother of a son whose bright future was suddenly swept away by a car crash in a swamp in Florida. During the long moments that he was submerged beneath the dark water, he sustained traumatic brain injury, a condition that carries an unpredictable prognosis. During the months that followed, Carla and her family waited, held to what little the doctors said and attended TBI support groups trying to make sense of what happened and trying to _and hope and piece together the future. She was a mother who did not know if her son would walk, talk or function in life ever again. Many of the people that I met In the TBI support groups Seemed to be in despair. They had become unwitting victims of TBI themselves -they seemed to have no hope. It was in the midst of calamity and the uncertainty of her son's future that Carla stared directly into the darkness and doubt and created the hope and faith and practical tools that she has used to live each day in the face of fear, One Moment At A Time. In this timely book, Carla describes her journey from the initial shock through the seemingly endless waiting, minor improvements, and the toll it took on her family and then shares the practical steps she took to begin building her determination and the surrender that allowed her to experience serenity and hope. If you or your loved one or friend has experienced TBI, then this book may be an indispensable tool for finding hope and inner strength to handle this and all of life's hard challenges. This book is creating hope for the victims of Traumatic Brain Injury and their families. Read this book. Please don't wait. There is hope . Henry Trask, family member of a TBI victim