Do you have the qualities to be a functional adult and parent? If you feel you are, do you have the eight qualities of unconditional love installed in the core being of your mind? If not are you willing to face the issues which caused you to lose the qualities of unconditional love?
Most parents destroyed their children's interpretation of what unconditional love is by the time they were four years old with dysfunctional parenting patterns. It is the same program which has been handed down from family to family for generations. As parents we use control, authority, manipulation, forced compliance and discipline which is what was what we learned from our parents. This book is about correcting the mistakes our parents made in our childhood and healing the relationship with our parents so we don't impose this dysfunctional parenting program on our children. You can correct these mistakes by ReParenting YourSelf so you can become an loving effective parent.
If you have imposed the controlling compliance parenting program on your children then it is time to review and change your pattern by ReParenting yourself.
It is not the children's problem. They were born preloaded with the eight qualities of unconditional love along with self esteem, self worth and self confidence. Parents destroy these qualities without even knowing they are doing it. We must nurture these qualities so our children with trust and respect us. Parents do the opposite by setting up rejection and discipline patterns which cause children to not trust and disrespect their parents. Children will act out because we failed to understand their language. In an effort to get attention, recognition, acceptance and unconditional love children act out. We think they they are misbehaving so become irritated and get angry and discipline them. They assume they must not be alright and acceptable so their interpretation is you do not care, they are being rejected. The main conflict is it is not what you dlq