Gives long-overdue recognition to the women who shaped the states environmental movement and saved Floridas water, land, and quality of life from worse destruction.Cynthia Barnett, author of Blue Revolution: Unmaking Americas Water Crisis
Highlights the overlooked role of women in Floridas environmental leadership. This is an exciting, important book.Buddy MacKay, former governor of Florida
A brilliant exposition of the varied types of talent it takes to fight the battles, wars and votes which must be undertaken if even a fraction of Floridas heritage is to be saved.Victoria Tschinkel, vice chairperson, 1000 Friends of Florida
Shows how passionate, strong minded, independent women did what was necessary to change the hearts and minds of policy makers to keep our air and water healthy.Clay Henderson, former president, Florida Audubon Society
Pooles portraits of these indomitable women, many of them previously unknown, could well inspire the next generation of activists.Judith G. Poucher, author of State of Defiance: Challenging the Johns Committees Assault on Civil Liberties
Florida is renowned for its beautiful beaches, natural springs, and subtropical wilderness, but it is widely joked that the official bird should be the construction crane. Dredge-and-fill projects, air pollution, and pesticides spread so uncontrollably during the twentieth century that they sparked an environmental movement within the state, and those who led the fight were very often women.
Saving Florida reveals how womens clubs prompted legislation to establish Floridas first state park, which became the core of Everglades National Park, in 1916before women even had the right to vote. It tells the story of Doris Leeper, who convinced her community and federal government to protect a 24-mile stretch of sandy beach that is now the breathtaking Canaveral National Seashore. It rel³˜