Synthesizing the literature from the survey and measurement fields, this book explains how to develop closed-response survey scales that will accurately capture such constructs as attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors. It provides guidelines to help applied researchers or graduate students review existing scales for possible adoption or adaptation in a study; create their own conceptual framework for a scale; write checklists, true-false variations, and Likert-style items; design response scales; examine validity and reliability; conduct a factor analysis; and document the instrument development and its technical quality. Advice is given on constructing tables and graphs to report survey scale results. Concepts and procedures are illustrated with "Not This/But This" examples from multiple disciplines.
User-Friendly Features
*End-of-chapter exercises with sample solutions, plus annotated suggestions for further reading.
*"Not This/But This" examples of poorly written and strong survey items.
*Chapter-opening overviews and within-chapter summaries.
*Glossary of key concepts.
*Appendix with examples of parametric and nonparametric procedures for group comparisons.
“Survey Scalesis packed with helpful information and is easy to understand and navigate for specific issues. This is a great go-to guide for students, especially since it is reasonably priced.”--Sean Kelly, PhD, Department of Administrative and Policy Studies, University of Pittsburgh School of Education
"Most texts on measurement and scale development focus on testing, with very little in the way of help for those constructing surveys, making this book an important contribution. I am particularly impressed by the very reader-friendly tone and the detailed discussions of all aspects of survey scale development, from the basics of writing items through the pilot testing of a survey. Practitioners and students al-