My journey in writing this book started around twelve years ago. The characters, Picky and Betty, were inspired by my brother Tommy, who passed away at the age of seven from a heart condition. Tommy would talk about his two imaginary friends Picky and Betty. The story came from the idea that children have a very active imagination.
After writing the story, the book literally sat on a shelf for a number of years. Knowing that the illustrations would bring the story to life, I knew I was not talented enough to do it. I struggled with who I wanted to ask to do the illustrations. The characters and the story had such a personal meaning to me. I was looking for someone special to work with.
During these years, I lost both of my parents. For a while, I lost a little bit of myself. About a year after my dad passed, my mom, who had passed more than five years before him, came to me in a dream. I knew she was trying to tell me something, but I could not understand what she was saying to me. Suddenly, I woke up. Startled, I said out loud, Lily can illustrate my book. I knew then that that is what she was trying to tell me. The next morning, I contacted Lily's mom, and she agreed without hesitation.
The words were written, and now it was time for Lily to illustrate those words. I had always imagined what Picky and Betty looked like. I talked to Lily about it and had her sketch the characters. Although they were nothing like I imagined, Picky and Betty came to life.