This is our seventh set of Happy, Healthy Pet titles. These latest additions will bring our series up to fifty-five titles, and like the others, they are books pet owners can turn to for the essential information they need to raise a healthy pet. All books contain information on c feeding c housing c grooming c health care c what to expect from the pet c basic training As our series expands and focuses on different kinds of pets, the emphasis remains on making the pet a companion. In addition, owners of more unusual pets will particularly appreciate the expert advice in these books because professional care for their animals may be difficult to come by. As always, the instruction is from experts people who know their pet intimately, but also remember what it was like to have one for the first time. Happy, Healthy Pet guides are rich with professional quality color photos and are designed to be enjoyable and easy to learn from. Australian Cattle Dogs are hard working, bright and exceptionally loyal pets. Katherine Buetow, an active participant in the Australian Cattle Dog Club of America and columnist for the AKC Gazette, turns her passion and academic knowledge of dogs to the care of this hardy breed.
Australian Cattle dogs are hard working, bright, and exceptionally loyal pets. For this guide, Katherine Buetow, an active participant in the Australian Cattle Dog Club of America and columnist for the AKC Gazette , turns her passion and academic knowledge of dogs to the care of his hearty breed. Photos.
Katherine Buetow has been actively involved in the Australian Cattle Dog Club of America for a number of years. She has written for the ACDCA Newsletter, the ACD Annual, the AKC Gazette and she maintains the ACD website at http: // She breeds for all-around Cattle Dogs under the Katwala prefix
At last, a book about your pet that emphasizes total care, training and companionship! You'll not only learn about thel³?