For the last thirty years, Dr. Krisiloff has personally cared for and cured more than 10,000 patients-men and women-who suffer from chronic urological problems. With a simple holistic approach that has no risk, he has seen cures in close to 90% of his patients who suffer from these problems. Literally 90 million men and women in the United States experience these urinary problems at one time or another, Estimates are that one quarter of all visits to urologists annually are from these complaints. Yet until now, university scientists and physicians will readily admit they have no known explanation for these problems, nor do they know how to effectively treat these problems. With the Krisiloff Diet, a cure is now possible for the problems of prostatitis, epididymitis, falsely elevated PSA blood tests, bed wetting in children, urgency incontinence in women, urethral syndrome (in Dr. Krisiloff's opinion this is falsely diagnosed as interstitional cystitis), increased urination at night (which greatly disturbs sleep), and frequent urination in the day (greatly affecting quality of life), unnecessary prostate surgery for men can be avoided and unnecessary surgery for women for urine incontinence can also be avoided. All of this can be accomplished at absolutely zero cost, with absolutely zero harm to the patient, and the results can be seen in as little as four to eight weeks. With its simple holistic approach, the Krisiloff Diet could supplant all the expensive methods now used. It could become the standard initial treatment for so many common medical problems, often circumventing costly and ineffective traditional methods. The savings for healthcare would be enormous-close to $40 billion dollars by estimates-once it is realizes that expensive medications and surgeries are unnecessary measures. Dr. Krisiloff has empitically discovered the holy grail explanation for inflammation in the body. The discovery is that caffeine, alcohol and hot spices are responsible for caulc: