The Link is the invisible thread that connects us to one another and to everything in the universe. Knowing how to connect to The Link is the gateway to accessing a higher consciousness, which some refer to as the quantum field, the cosmic mind, your higher self, superconsciousness, or the source field. What was once thought to be superhuman, impossible, or that which could only be characteristic of a deity, God, or Gods, are now proven to be actual aspects of human consciousness. Through The 7 Principles of I AM , you will be taken on a journey to uncover powerful aspects of your true self that has been lying dormant within you, just waiting to be realized. Now that the truth about human consciousness has been exposed through these 7 principles, there is no stopping our empowerment towards ascension and experiencing a better world for our future and our children's future. We no longer need to experience a world that is governed by limitation, duality, separation, and disharmony. The Link can help anyone and everyone no matter where you are on your journey. It's time to leave duality, fear, limitation, sadness and grief in the past and become more aligned with who and what you truly are. YOU ARE The 7 Principles of I AM.