On a windy Saturday in March, just before his four-year old daughter's birthday party, Bruce finally went to the E.R. to get some strong painkillers. He was sure he had the flu and a pulled hamstring, while his wife thought it was another man cold. THEY WERE BOTH WRONG. The next morning, Lara stood in the Intensive Care Unit wondering what she was supposed to do. Her soul mate and father of their three little children lay in critical condition, in an induced coma and on life support - he was dying. Lara's social media posts, meant to save time and keep friends informed, spread further than she ever expected. Eventually tens of thousands of people around the world united in prayer and support for one man's life. While He Lay Dying is the extraordinary true story of one ordinary little family in an ordinary small city. Many fine books by many fine authors teach about thanksgiving, prayer, healing, community, faith and love. This is more than a fine teaching. This is a demonstration.