A study of the art made for the Franciscan nuns between the thirteenth and sixteenth centuries.Women, Art, and Spirituality: The Poor Clares of Early Modern Italy situates the art made between the thirteenth and sixteenth centuries for the Franciscan nuns in its historical and religious contexts. Evaluating its production from sociological and intellectual perspectives, this study also addresses the discourse betwen spirituality, devotional practices, and aesthetic attitudes as formalized in the construction and decoration of the women's convents and in their didactic literature.Women, Art, and Spirituality: The Poor Clares of Early Modern Italy situates the art made between the thirteenth and sixteenth centuries for the Franciscan nuns in its historical and religious contexts. Evaluating its production from sociological and intellectual perspectives, this study also addresses the discourse betwen spirituality, devotional practices, and aesthetic attitudes as formalized in the construction and decoration of the women's convents and in their didactic literature.Women, Art, and Spirituality: The Poor Clares of Early Modern Italy situates the art made between the thirteenth and sixteenth centuries for the Franciscan nuns in its historical and religious contexts. Evaluating its production from sociological and intellectual perspectives, this study also addresses the discourse among spirituality, devotional practices, and aesthetic attitudes as formalized in the construction and decoration of the women's convents and in their didactic literature.1. Clara, Claris, Praeclara; 2. Within the walls; 3. Piccarda's convent; 4. A network of nuns; 5. Vision and ecstasy; Epilogue. Wood's carefully crafted volume makes a significant contribution to our understanding of the art and architecture of the nuns of early modern Italy....Wood's book does much to expand our knowledge of convent life. Andrea Pearson, The Sixteenth Century Journal Wood's Women, Art, and Spirituality: Thlăt