This book is written for seekers - for people who want to give sensible and honest thought to the whole question of their relationship to God. It is not an examination of all the world's religions which ends by saying, 'Now choose the one you like best'. It is not a scientific text-book, which turns religion into equations and faith into a formula. It is not a vague and airy-fairy collection of various points of view. It is a plain, straightforward book showing how a person who is honestly seeking for God can find him.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 1. The Truth The Bible is completely true The Bible is constantly true 2. The Problem What is God? What is man? 3. The Failure Race - a failure Ritual - a failure Religion - a failure Respectability - a failure 4. The Answer The Old Testament The New Testament 5. The Need You must be born again You must be converted 6. The Way Ahead It is a way of openness It is a way of obedience It is a way of opportunity