The Night Sky Companion is a comprehensive guide to what can be explored in the heavens on a nightly basis. Designed to appeal to readers at all skill levels and involvement, it provides a digest for sky watchers interested in all-in-one-place information that includes history, current events, and of course interesting objects to be observed on any given day. It provides unaided eye observers an opportunity to view many objects or events as well as learn about their history, science and how just looking up can be rewarding. It is richly illustrated with finder maps and photographs.
The Night Sky Companion is a comprehensive guide to what can be explored in the heavens on a nightly basis. Designed to appeal to readers at all skill levels, it provides a digest for sky watchers interested in all types of astronomical information.
Thebookyouareholdinginyourhandsisoneofthebestlearningandoutreach tools you could want for your collection. The Night Sky Companion is full of informationaboutastronomy.Thinkofhowmanytimesyouhavewalkedoutside, lookedatthestarsandwonderedwhatnewthingsyoucouldexplore.Maybeyou areabeginnerandyouwanttolearnthebasicsofstargazing,orperhapsyoure a seasoned sky veteran. Either way, I bet you will see and learn something new each night. I have used Tammy Plotners previous books to help plan my outreach programs. Not only do they tell you what you can see in the night sky, just as this book does, but they also explain some of the history and science which has brought us to this point. You will quickly realize astronomy is what you make it. It can be extremely challenging or very relaxing: its up to you to decide. With this book, you can use telescope or binoculars of any sizeor just kick back under the Milky Way and enjoy the view. It will be your companion to help you discover our galaxy. Picture yourself enjoying a warm August night watching the Perseid meteor shower, or seeing the Harvest Moon rise. While thló–